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We maintain, optimize and develop further the unique impulse of design involwing form and light that has existed since 1958.

Diverse selection of lighting solutions
oriented to your individual requirements

Pendant Lamps - Ceiling Lamps - Wall Lamps
Table Lamps - Floor Lamps - Recessed Lamps

Traditional lighting options, innovative LED inserts and regulation of all electronically controlled light sources. The harmonious play of light with the form which have their artistic origin from the platonic bodies.Interiors of all kinds.

Pendelleuchte 325.010 x3 Artolux AG.jpg
Astralux Table Lamp
Deckenleuchte 141.010 - Artolux AG.jpg
Stehleuchte 563.020-neublau.jpg
Wandleuchte 414.020-Artolux AG.jpg
Einbauleuchte 201.010-Artolux AG.jpg

Warming - Sheltering - Peaceful

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Light is much more than simply brightness in the darkness.

Light can strengthen us, build us up, give us joy and inner peace.

Light is our faithful daily companion through life.

Light contributes enormously to our well-being.

Deckenleuchte 115.010-Freisteller - Artolux AG.jpg

It is similar with an artistic form.

These forms can also build us up internally, give us new strength.

It can give us inner peace and tranquility.

We at Astralux would like to combine both. We would like to give the light a form that enters into a warm and lively dialogue with the viewer. The mind of the viewer should be able to build on it.

Distinctive - Unique

With us you get lamps in distinctive designs and with an unique shape of acrylic glass. Each product is made with dedication and loving handwork in Breitenbach Switzerland.


swiss handmade

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